Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Heating Up

By now you have commented on each other's posts demonstrating your proficiency in blogging skills: posts, comments, links, etc. Now we will be moving further into the topic: the consequences of global warming and your and others' opinions as well as technical challenges.

You will view the film, An Inconvenient Truth, and make two posts. The first post is a summary of the movie similar to the reading summaries which should include introductory and concluding paragraphs. However, it should not include any statements of opinion!

Your analysis and opinion should be covered in the second post where you address what you think of the film's effectiveness at addressing the topic of global warming/local solutions. You should cite facts, references and solutions from the film as examples to support your points as well as two other sources (Check the assignment description under blog entries and requirements). Again include an introduction and conclusion to your post.

Check the task requirements (entries link) for word length for both posts. An opinion interview using Voice Thread technology will be completed next week. Check out www. and keep on blogging!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blog On

I enjoyed reading through your posts as you begin grappling with the issues around global warming. Some of you have gotten very creative with your blogs: well-written posts and professional lay out.

We are about to begin a new series of tasks, so we are taking this time to ensure everyone is caught up. You will receive written feedback from me this week regarding your blog. On your blogs, include graphics: photos, art and videos that are pertinent to your posts.

Read and comment on the other students' global warming posts. This will give you opportunity to glean ides from others about blog layout. Happy blogging!